Founded in 1975, Rishon is a warm and vibrant community that welcomes individuals and families from diverse Jewish backgrounds. We embrace congregants with a strong spiritual Judaic background as well as those who feel more of a cultural connection: those who were born Jewish, those who choose to be Jewish, and those who are part of an interfaith family. Our mission is to function as a Jewish cultural center for Bergen and surrounding counties, supporting the lives of our congregants and neighbors with spiritual, educational and musical programming.
Our worship is highly musical; we express our faith and community through music.
Inviting Judaism
Lifelong Learning - Preschool through Adult

Addison M. & Elizabeth Opper Religious School
It is the mission of the Andrew Friedland Early Childhood Learning Center to foster positive self-esteem, and the self-confidence to be a positive risk taker. We accomplish this by providing your child with a secure, loving environment. Our graduates are children that love their heritage and look forward to the challenges of future education.
Andrew Friedland Early Childhood Learning Center
In addition to our strong, developmentally appropriate secular academic program, we provide preschool children with the background to see the world though Jewish eyes. We take a child-centered approach and believe that children learn best from engaging in exciting hands-on activities.
Lifelong Adult Learning Program
We greatly value the Jewish tradition of thoughtful lifelong study and have integrated it into the tapestry of our synagogue experience. We offer a wide variety of daytime, evening, weekday and Shabbat educational programs, taught either by our clergy, by guest speakers and scholars, or led by our own members in a shared learning experience.