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Image by Jasper Boer

Worship at Rishon

Our participatory, high energy Shabbat and holiday services blend both traditional and contemporary approaches to prayer while spirited vocal and instrumental music enrich our services and enhance the worship experience. We enjoy observing the Jewish holidays together, not only during services but with sociable family oriented celebrations ranging from festival meals to candle lighting ceremonies to carnivals to national Israeli holidays. 


The Rishon community comes together every week to observe Shabbat. At other times throughout the year, we join together to celebrate Jewish Holidays and Festival events with participatory prayer, spiritual music, congregational meals, and a sense of togetherness and belonging. 




Weekly Renewal

We host regular Friday evening services at 6:00PM, as well as Saturday morning Torah study (9AM) and services (10AM). We welcome the Sabbath with prayer, joyous song and a thought-provoking sermon. After services, we share an Oneg, enjoying a little dessert and an opportunity to meet with friends, visitors and newcomers. We currently require all attendees to be masked regardless of vaccination status.



Family Friendly Services

Once a month, join us for a shortened, informal and engaging shabbat service for everyone - tots to seniors! Oneg with wine and cheese, challah and juice immediately following. Well attended by families, Shabbat Kulanu is a great way to introduce children to a positive Shabbat experience.



Meaningful Worship

On Yom Kippur, as on Rosh Hashanah, our dynamic clergy intensify the meditative spirit of our prayers by empowering us to sing with one voice, as a community. The harmonious voices of our Kol Rishon choir enhance our worship experience. Age appropriate youth programs are provided concurrently in our Educational Wing. 



Giving Thanks

This joyous fall holiday is a time of feasting and giving thanks! We build a sukkah on the synagogue patio and our school children provide decorations. The evening service is followed by a congregational dinner and a bonfire under the stars. After the morning service, our congregants share a luncheon provided by the temple. Our annual Sukkah Hop is much anticipated by our members and takes place in the backyards of several gracious congregants who volunteer their homes. 



Lighting up our Community

During the weeks prior to and leading up to Chanukah, our students and youth group participate in candle lighting and Chanukah related activities.  Within the surrounding Jewish community, we participate in menorah lighting ceremonies and holiday gift giving programs. TBR's Chanukah celebration culminates with our annual Chanukah Fun Day, a highlight for children and adults of all ages, which features entertainment, games, snacks and collection of food or clothing for the community.



Making Merry

We delight in celebrating this merriest of Jewish holidays with noise makers, hamantashen, and colorful costumes. The Erev Purim family Megillah reading is followed by a festive meal. After dinner, members may also enjoy a lively Megillah reading specifically geared for adults. The festivities culminate with TBR's annual Purim Carnival on Sunday, continuing the fun with interactive games, creative crafts, and holiday eating.


A Full Slate

Our community observes major Jewish holidays with appropriate activities and gatherings, rituals, meals, concerts, and more. S'lichot, Simchat Torah, Shavuot, Tu B'shevat, Passover, Yom Ha'shoah, Yom Ha'atzmaut.

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