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WATCH: Celebratory Concert with Itay Goren for The Henry & Elaine Kaufman Center for Jewish Living

Updated: Oct 31, 2022

Formalities begin at 15:30

Music begins at 40:30

Temple Beth Rishon in Wyckoff, NJ (“Rishon”) is proud to host a concert on Sunday, June 27th featuring pianist Itay Goren, in honor of our Henry & Elaine Kaufman Center for Jewish Living.

The Center honors Rishon members, Elaine & Henry Kaufman, world-renowned philanthropists and economist (Henry). The new Center for Jewish Living offers an extensive programming line-up including innovative speakers, educational programs for every age and level, and musical offerings all rising to the exemplary standards set by the Kaufmans. The honor is being bestowed upon them for their continued commitment to Rishon, the Jewish community at large, education and music—all of which reflect the values of the Rishon community. The Henry & Elaine Kaufman Center for Jewish Living will be a resource for the entire Bergen County Jewish community to come together for both educational and social events. Programming will be open to members and non-members.

Henry Kaufman was born on October 20, 1927 in Wenings, Germany. He was the son of a kosher butcher. He and his family fled the Nazis when he was nine years old. He attended high school in Washington Heights, received a B.A. in economics from New York University followed by an M.S. in finance from Columbia University in 1949, and a Ph.D. in banking and finance from New York University Graduate School of Business Administration in 1958. He was also the recipient of three Honorary Doctorate Awards. Dr. Kaufman worked in commercial banking and served as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. For twenty-five years, he was at Solomon Brothers, where he was Vice Chairman and Member of the Executive Committee. He is the President of Henry Kaufman & Co., Inc. a firm established in April 1988, specializing in economic and financial consulting. Dr. Kaufman has authored multiple books. His most recent book, The Day the Markets Roared, was published in April. He is an active member of many public organizations including serving as a Member of the Board of Governors, Tel-Aviv University and as a Life Trustee at The Jewish Museum.

Elaine Kaufman was born Elaine Reinheimer in New York City. She attended Russell Sage College and graduated from Fairleigh Dickenson University with a B.S. in Merchandising. After graduation, she worked professionally as a dress buyer for several major companies. She and Henry were married in 1957. Elaine’s passion for music and education has translated into her philanthropic work. She is now Honorary Chair of Kaufman Music Center and has been a member of its Board of Trustees for more than thirty-five years. Elaine’s interest in the arts extends beyond music and includes her participation in the fine arts committees of The Jewish Museum and The Whitney Museum. She was also an active member of Hadassah and has served on the Board of Jewish Family Services.

Michael Goldberg, current President of Temple Beth Rishon, states “The humble smile on Henry’s face when I told him our intention to honor him and his wife Elaine for their inspiring dedication to our Synagogue was truly heartwarming. It will forever be etched in my memorable experiences as President of this amazing community.”

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